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Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
2 February 2013, 13:36,
RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
First of all we have to work out if it is the fault of the Police,.. I think that the plod on the ground, and more likely the man in charge of them all, would gladly go to the aid of people and property if they were able to.

I think there is two reasons why our Police are the way they are, first,...

..... we have in many ways gone the way of America, in that the governments have allowed this culture of sueing peoples arses off for the slightest thing, the police on the ground are scared of retaliation from their own peers if they as much as look at a yob in the wrong way let alone do as they once did and give the guy a clip around his ear,... thats now against his human rights, the Police are as much filmed as the yobs are, and the slightest push resulting in scraped knees is likely to come back on the pusher and bite him later,.. even possibly leading to job loss

Secondly, progressive governments have simply cut the Police down to its bare bones,.. you cant expect a few bobbys to do much against a large crowd of yobs,.. years ago they could call for back up and would have the numbers to re-stock the line,.. in the past troubles in London they had to call on Police forces from other cities and they still didnt have the numbers to control the crowd

...and of course the actions that the Police now take, is quiet likely to effect a prepper,... you say that they might be mass migration of panic striken sheeple,... but on the same score the `Kettleing` of areas would hold the none rioting sheeple in,.. so a preper might not be able to get out if he/she wanted to,.. if the Police retreated and left an area to the yobs,.. that would also greatly hinder the prepper wanting to get out,... in many ways it could be the Police that becomes one of a city preppers main worries

.... but I dont think the problems of Policing lies with the Police
A major part of survival is invisibility.

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RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers - by Highlander - 2 February 2013, 13:36

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