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Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
3 February 2013, 11:30,
RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
(3 February 2013, 11:23)NorthernRaider Wrote: BP the Greater London area has 9.4 million people in it, and it alone uses over 32,000 of the 131 cops, then when you deduct the cops serving Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leicester, Nottingham, Bristol, Sheffield etc and the minor cities that leaves almost none to cover the rural areas, add to that nationwide civil unrest that ALWAYS sees rural cops withdrawn and redeployed in the cities it leave the rural areas totally bereft of cops. Add attrition, exhaustion, sickness, injury, and cops deciding to stay at home to protect their own families I dont think us in the boonies would ever see a plod. As for the 82,000 troops they could not defend the south east on their own never mind the whole country.
well yes, that has been my thinking all along. in the 3 years since we moved here i havent even seen a Plod(apart from them flying through the area in their patrol cars heading back to the station for their tea break :D), ALL (3) of our Police Stations in my area are PART-TIME not manned 24/7, and thats now, after TSHTF we will be left completely unpoliced as they would be needed for the cities and further afield...thats if they even bother to report for duty.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers - by bigpaul - 3 February 2013, 11:30

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