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BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?)
9 January 2012, 15:30,
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?)
I use the single shot version, its more reliable than the multi shot version and £100 cheaper which allowed to to get the regulator and tweaking done. Oh yes its definately the full power version but I'm not discussing power on the main forum.


Messages In This Thread
BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by 00111001 - 9 January 2012, 14:25
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by 00111001 - 9 January 2012, 15:11
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by 00111001 - 9 January 2012, 15:26
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by NorthernRaider - 9 January 2012, 15:30
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by 00111001 - 9 January 2012, 15:34
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by 00111001 - 9 January 2012, 15:48
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by Nemesis - 9 January 2012, 18:06
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by 00111001 - 9 January 2012, 21:07
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by Nemesis - 9 January 2012, 23:13
RE: BSA Ultra or Scorpion (Or Other?) - by 00111001 - 10 January 2012, 10:19

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