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Is anybody else frustrated with peoples behviour?
5 February 2013, 11:14,
Is anybody else frustrated with peoples behviour?
We had a bit of snow here last night and I mean a bit, even less than the previous snow falls, hardly anything on the roads this morning about 8 o'clock, maybe a small amount of slush.

OMG!!! people were creeping up the road, I swear to god at 10 miles an hour, taking turns like they were on a skating rink.

What the hells going on with people? have they got no common sense anymore?

Wheres all the common sense gone from these people.

Its like when you phone a firm and ask what courses they do.. the person that answers the phone hasn't got a clue, its some brainless idiot at the other end of the phone who struggles to take a message.

Same with firms that I've worked for, other lads said " slow down your making us look bad!"

No!! how about you speed up and do your f-ing job!!
Seriously WTF is going on with this world?

I struggle to get a job when a-holes that cant even answer a phone without dribbling have one...

Road works take weeks, months for a job that I could do on my own in a day!!

Council bin men cant wheell a bin from the kerb to the middle of the road because its too heavy!!!

Its got f-ing wheels on for feks sake!!

Send someone an email.. your lucky if you hear from them.

I sent the council an email... nothing...
I sent them 10 then you get an answer or you have to write to the ceo of a company before you get anything done.

Whats going on?
I feel more like an alien every day.

Is it me?
Has the earth been struck by a retard ray at some point?

Company's don't want hard workers who do their job because the manager who is a lazy arse who doesn't do his is scared your after his job!
so you get sacked just in case!!!

fek fek fek arrrrgggghhhh fek fek fek

For gods sake we used to have an empire for good or bad, cricket is our national sport....
we hardly ever win at it...

Come on tell me, am I expecting too much?
for people and firms to do their jobs or even know what their job is?

What the hell has happens to homo sapiens sapiens?
wheres that pioneer spirit gone?

From what I see every day if sh*t did hit the fan in a big way 80+ %
of the world would die from just being too dumb.

The amount of people that cross the road without looking... wtf???
I used to drive a bus... a big orange one...

The amount of people that used to not see that big orange bus and walk off the kerb into the side of it... wtf???

Seriously WTF is going on???
Anybody go[/size]t a clue?
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

Messages In This Thread
Is anybody else frustrated with peoples behviour? - by Prepper1 - 5 February 2013, 11:14

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