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Trader Has Made A Very Big Bet That Something Very Bad Will Happen Within 60 days
7 February 2013, 22:38,
RE: Trader Has Made A Very Big Bet That Something Very Bad Will Happen Within 60 days
If you think about it, it's a logical call. The market is volatile at the moment. Having a pull option based 60 days in the future, with a 5 day collection period, while the market is at an all time low....obvious play.

Add to it the size of the play and the knowledge it would be reported. This alone could be enough to rip down the market. What does that mean? The prices drop, people panic and sell. All in all...he's quids in.

It's like the flooding and ruin of the crops worldwide. Its a safe bet on crop prices increasing the years of El Ninio. The smart investors have bought the year before and made rheir profit before everyone else buys in when they realise El Ninio is coming .
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RE: Trader Has Made A Very Big Bet That Something Very Bad Will Happen Within 60 days - by Scythe13 - 7 February 2013, 22:38

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