I dont think totally remote is feasable, practical or desirable, but a rural community that is unlikely to be lumbered with a large new estate may be the best choice, Like it or not for most of us there are times when we may want or need to avail ourselves of the services in a city, we also dont want to live so far our getting fuel or delivered goods is not prohibitively expensive, plus most of us have kids to get to school college and of course most of us have to travel to work. I believe cities are no go areas to live in cept in the most dire of circumstances, the burbs are going the same way, problem is white flight and professional class mass migration is directly competing with us for rural places to live. Sadly many of the white flighters move out then start demanding to councils provide the services and facilities from the city, which defeats the obect of being out of town. I'm keeping a weather eye on how things progress I accept that my spot aint perfect but its not all bad