The thing is here, is how far do you go with your prepper lifestyle?
Ok, we are all preppers, but we are [ mostly
] normal people too, we have to live our lives as normal people don't we, otherwise if prepping becomes that all knowing, all consuming thing,...then we simply don't enjoy, and get on with life.
The other point, is that people who get no mail are noticed a lot more than people who do, often the person who becomes the reclusive is talked about because he is reclusive,... he becomes the strange man at the end of the street,.. how many horror films have started with the strange guy who lives behind the closed curtains in the dark house
So,... are we noticed more for the fact that we don't do`normal` things that `normal` people do,... or are we less likely to be noticed if we live just like everyone else
Personally, becoming invisible,..or the grey man, is all about blending in, so I would suggest that we get that license, and tell your neighbor if that's what you would normally do, get the dog license because people will expect it,... do what `normal` people would do.
The only way to blend in is to look like everyone else
A major part of survival is invisibility.