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Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
11 February 2013, 08:59,
Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
How comes every other post I seem to read on here has at least 1 thing criticising members who live in a town/city or other built up area?

No, this isn't specific to NR incase anyone is wondering. If it were, I would've sent him a message direct.

Yes it would be great to live somewhere in total isolation, surrounded by a crocodile infested moat before you reached ten foot, poison tipped spiked, electrified fence (which in turn, leads to a 12ft solid reinforced concrete wall).

However, most of us instead have to live in this place called reality.

We probably (in my case yes) live fairly close to where I was brought up. I live close to where I work. I live here because its more suitable for my family that the above mentioned fantasy home. I work where I do because I need cash to survive.

You do what you do, I'll do what I do.

Please respect me enough as an individual to not try & force on me your opinions. My opinion may well be that your opinions are utter crap!!!

I thought this forum was all about sharing knowledge to assist fellow preppers. Instead, every day it seems that something else has been posted knocking people who live in towns/cities/other suburban areas.

Skean, you/we have a great site & forum here. However the same old people keep preaching the same old high & mighty rubbish on it & this in my mind may have negative consequences. Lets say for example we have a qualified doctor as a guest who happens to know a lot about herbal medicines. They may well be put off because they live in a town/city & after reading the (IMO) offending articles think "sod that, ill look to join elsewhere". Same goes for the huge criticism of foreigners. I would love to see someone become a member who has lived through a collapse such as the yugoslav conflicts of the 90's (we may already have members). Their knowledge might be absolutely crucial & the difference between someone living or dying. But instead all they will read is they are blood sucking parasites only here to blow us up after claiming millions in various benefits and living in a state funded 200 bedroom stately home.

Here's a suggestion (that's all it is).

If you have something useful to share, please don't hesitate to share it.

If all you're going to do is critisise other people's choices, I for one don't want to here it.

If you happen to be an unregistered guest reading this & are considering joining, please do. We aren't all high & mighty, bigoted dinosaurs. I for one would love to hear from you & read about any knowledge you want to share.

Finally, if this post has upset or offended anyone I apologise as this wasnt my intention. I am however quite offended by some of the other posts on here.


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Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area - by Geordie_Rob - 11 February 2013, 08:59

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