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Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
11 February 2013, 10:42, (This post was last modified: 11 February 2013, 10:51 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
Because for a large number of them its wise and prudent, many folks come to the forums specifically because they see their once loverly boroughs become hellholes, I would hazard a guess that environment living conditions such as crime, pollution, insecure food supplies, immigration, gangs and terorism are the prime reasons for a lot of people to become preppers.

I know personally that BP, AL and my own family buggered off out of cities for excactly those reasons. You may be wiser / braver / madder than us and be content to stay put, but many more people look at their urban lifestyle and say F*** this I'm offski"

And its not just preppers, look at the white flighters, over 250,000 from London alone, then the down sizers trying to free off capital from their expensive town houses, millions of those buggers say " screw the commute, bugger the crime, sod the congestion charge, I'm getting out"

Then there are our close cousins in the green community who want to go back to nature and offgrid hundreds of thousands of folks look at their urban rooots, some set up city coops like the one in Walker, but many more choose to leave the cities outright to live a greener lifestyle.

Some folks are hardier / tougher/ crazier or just happier in cities good for them, But I think ( underline the word THINK) that the majority ( may be a slim one I'm willing to learn) of preppers want to get out of Dodge at the earliest opportunity, Judging by my INBOX and Letterbox full of people asking for advice about finding the best way of moving further out for the least cost.


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RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area - by NorthernRaider - 11 February 2013, 10:42

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