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Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
11 February 2013, 11:03,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
But the risk of crime is much less out in the boonies, tyre slashing is a nightly occurance on the council estate I grw up on, our estate used to see three or four cars nicked and torched each week. out here the last crime of note was theft of hand tools from a shed on an allotment !!

I was bimbling around Whickam, Ryker, Walker and Gosforth a bit lately looking at the fabulous urban eco projects but I would rather suffocate my family than live there, yet millions of other folks live there quite happily, horses for courses. I was born and raised in the smog, filth and crime of Teesside, to me it was the norm until I got to visit the army apprenticeship college at Harrowgate late 71, then was posted to Taunton in 72, I had never seen an orchard before then and I could not understand what the local yokels did for work cos they had no chemical complexes, nuclear power atations, ship yards, coal mines or steel works to work in, and the air was clean!!!!!

So when after being married for 20 years we finally realised we could afford to start a family I looked at my environment in Teesside, the dirt, the noise the constant traffic, the sirens, the yobs, the vandalism, the only places for kids to play was synthetic play aras in the middle of an estate, the shitty schools, the pollution we looked at our son and decided regardless of sacrifice or cost we are getting out of the city, we dont regret a thing even though we are skint. Its each to there own at the end of the day, in my opinion the most viable option for many folks is to move out, be it from city center to suburbs, or from suburbs to villages it doesnt work for all but it does work for many.


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RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area - by NorthernRaider - 11 February 2013, 11:03

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