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Oh F*** NRs Solar panel has arrived and ....
11 February 2013, 17:27,
RE: Oh F*** NRs Solar panel has arrived and ....
You don't technically need a charge controller on any system. If you wanted to use your new solar panels to power a fountain or something then you could hook it up to the motor of the pump and it would work when the sun shines. The problem is you may be dumping too much power into the motor if you have whacking great big solar panels. If you connected to a battery without charge controller then you do run a fire risk if it's nice and bright outside, or you'll drain your batteries if it's dark Big Grin

You should be able to wire the panels up to the charge controller though and use the output to power something, even if it's just a little LED light to test that it all works.

If only you lived in a city NR, you'd be close enough to one of us so we could check it out for you Tongue

(11 February 2013, 17:22)NorthernRaider Wrote: Havent got a battery so tried wiring without, lots of burnt out 2o amp fuses now, think i will stop playing as the street lights are flickering !! Smile What a fooking daft idea having solar panels that have to be connected to a bleeding great battery before you can access its electricty output, bloody daft.

LS took my radios off me so i cannot play with that anymore cos NASA was objecting and aircraft were trying to land in Tescos car park , now i cant play with this solar doofah cos I have not got a battery BUT BUT BUT Think of the fun I will have when I have a battery and a solar power to create electricty and the battery is fully of hydrochloric acid Bwaaaahhhhh I wonder what I can do with that Smile

Correct AL not LS took my radios off me Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Oh F*** NRs Solar panel has arrived and .... - by BeardyMan - 11 February 2013, 17:27
NR Solar panel help - by Skvez - 11 February 2013, 18:54

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