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Scenario 43
16 February 2013, 21:42,
RE: Scenario 43
Hey, good scenario. Thought-provoking.


I think it's got to be the doctor. When they're hungry enough, they'll soon get over the dietary issues. The skill would be invaluable, plus the education a doctor has would give him useful knowledge of a whole range of other areas; biology, chemistry, etc. The wife, assuming she is able-bodies, will be a useful extra pair of hands.

I was tempted by the stockman (my wife is a nurse, so the doctor's skills are less critical for us than if this wasn't the case). However, I'd be concerned about the effect on group dynamics that bringing in a lone-wolf would have.

Family with children; two extra mouths to feed, so no.

Financial consultant and herbalist wife; tempting. Man can be trained. Importing skills is important, but having ready and willing manpower is also important.

My two cents..
Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.

Messages In This Thread
Scenario 43 - by MaryN - 16 February 2013, 21:10
RE: Scenario 43 - by Tarrel - 16 February 2013, 21:42
RE: Scenario 43 - by Carnebwen - 16 February 2013, 21:51
RE: Scenario 43 - by NorthernRaider - 16 February 2013, 21:56
RE: Scenario 43 - by Highlander - 16 February 2013, 22:00
RE: Scenario 43 - by Straight Shooter - 16 February 2013, 22:01
RE: Scenario 43 - by Metroyeti - 16 February 2013, 22:12
RE: Scenario 43 - by bigpaul - 17 February 2013, 11:08
RE: Scenario 43 - by Skean Dhude - 17 February 2013, 11:16
RE: Scenario 43 - by Hex - 17 February 2013, 20:07
RE: Scenario 43 - by Spandex228 - 17 February 2013, 23:15

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