After this canoe trip my girlfriend and I are going to do (we've talked a load of friends into it, so we'll possibly make a few converts, or even just have an adventure team available), I'm probably going to take this option much more seriously.
I'm thinking about the range you can travel to. As far as you want, if you think about it. If something did happen, you could even cross the channel. I know it would be a HUGE mission to do, and really dangerous as well. But you could move about 500 meters away from the shore line, and travel up the coast to somewhere more rural.
Put it this way, I think I'll have an inflatible canoe/kayak in my car this time next year.
(12 January 2012, 16:50)NorthernRaider Wrote: Dunno why more of us are not considering this as an option
I've looked at kits for those, and they are like £10k. Not in my price range.