RE: Sewage gases from toilets post shtf
nice one, love the idea.
ive seen something similar from a docu in bosnia. a familly where cooking oin a stove that ran on methane from their toilet, didnt know the full exacts of how it worked, but remembered thinking great idea since it gives off methane as it decomposes anyway.
i can just about plan one in my head , but it would use up a lot of space, and need emptying occasionally , although all you would have left is good compost for flowers (not in human food chain).
but like i said it would take a lot of space, the one i saw in the docu in bosnia didnt, unless a lot of it was underground somewhere.
his house was only a single room brick hut though with a curtain area round the toilet. and a board sectioning the kitchen off. so cant see where he could have put the internals.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson