RE: Mini Pigs
If you can not look at a piglet and see it is of normal size and not "micro" you deserve to be eaten out of house and home by some creature aproximately the size of a Morris Mini. A micro sow is not going to give birth to a 5 pound piglet!
If you come across pigs in TWOTWAWKI situation eat what you need immidiately and simply turn the rest loose. They will forage and thrive and supply meat indefinately. At least hey always have down through history, i do not see why they would not even teday in Ehgland.
Small livestock needs to have a quick use cycle. If the micropigs require the same time rate for maturity then they will be very inefficient, requiring feed for several months.
Chickens, rabbits and such are usually ready to eat at 8-12 weeks. They also reproduce at fastrer rates.
One of the things we find here in the States is that pigs will thrive under adverse conditions. They return to ferral instantly, breed uncontrolably. Even in our colonial days the woods were filled with wild hogs and they provided more "wild meat" then our deer. Oddly, what we today refer too as a "Kentucky rifle" was in the old days briken into two groups. Small bore guns called squirrel rifles, and large bore guns they refered too as "hog rifles".
We are overrun in many areas by ferral hogs. They are considered vermin and require no liscense or permit for hunting. We even have large farms in some states that will put you up for the weekend, feed you three good meals a day and all they ask in return is that you kill a hog. You can even keep the meat.
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