(16 January 2012, 11:06)NorthernRaider Wrote: I always keep knife, flashlight and lighter on my person, plus wearing watch, shades etc with wallet and kerchief in leg pocket, often I'll clip a pouch to my belt and add flashlight and mini prybar, and if tower blocks are on the agenda a cotton dust mask and chemical light stick gets slipped into other pockets.
I'm not one for pouches. They always seemed 'weird' to me as a kid. I'm 27 and look very much the city dweller. If you saw me in everyday life, before learning about survivalism, you would assume I was an urban cafe dweller, possibly with a Starbucks tattoo. My dress sense is slowly changing, but for city life/time I will always look like a normal city person wearing a record bag style EDC. If there's a 9/11 situation and that dusts kicks up everywhere, I'll be much better prepared, but I'll also try and grab a book or newspaper and cover up the fact that I was wearing a dust mask.