Poll: How many of us have had First Aid training?
Never and not intending to
Never, but planning to in the next year. Course arranged
Never, but planning to in the next three years
Never, but planning to sometime
Yes, within the last year
Yes, within the last five years
Yes,over five years ago
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How many of us have actually taken First Aid courses?
30 September 2011, 09:18,
RE: How many of us have actually taken First Aid courses?

Fair enough but have you never taken a first aid course? No makes a statement which is different from Yes,over five years ago.

A registered nurse has valuable skills. Just need to stock up on equipment. You will already have some, add more.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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RE: How many of us have actually taken First Aid courses? - by Skean Dhude - 30 September 2011, 09:18

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