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What situations would cause you to bug out?
25 March 2013, 17:40,
RE: What situations would cause you to bug out?
(25 March 2013, 17:23)Scythe13 Wrote: Depending on the situation
I'd assume people would start their 'fun' at the other end of the street, A chemical spill or something like that, would mean a very hasty leave home run, and then return when it's safe.
If it was a WW3 situation, again, I'm not sure bugging out would really be required.

Lot of cop-out situations there mate. These mean wait and see and not genuine scenarios.

Assuming as well. Tut tut.

There is an old saying that you should be considering. No plan survives first contact with the enemy. It means that whatever your plans are you usually have to adjust them to fit the current situation. It means that you can't set a finite limit on some things. For example, sell gold when it hits 20K an oz. Great you can set that and leave it but Bug Out when there is a mob at the end of your street. How many is a Mob anyway, what if they are heading away from your home, what if they are all sick and dying and just passing through, what if your community has banded together and there are thirty of you in your home all armed with SMGs?

It is unrealistic making plans down to such a point. You make general guidelines and you follow them. So you have prepare BoBs and you keep your vehicle fuelled up and watch what is going on but you don't want to just follow procedures set in place for one scenario that doesn't suit the one you are in.

Sure think about as many things as you can but each one must be treated on its merits or you are going to over or undereact just when you need to have a cool head.

If you want though you could list the 50 main scenarios that may occur and the 50,000 sub scenarios from each that may impact you and plan for each one but it is going to be a pretty boring task and finding your instructions when it occurs may be an issue especially if you are not at home.

You can only plan so much, the rest is adaptation.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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RE: What situations would cause you to bug out? - by Skean Dhude - 25 March 2013, 17:40

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