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your sense of smell could save your life post SHTF
26 March 2013, 19:36, (This post was last modified: 26 March 2013, 19:42 by Mortblanc.)
RE: your sense of smell could save your life post SHTF
I have this covered!

I plan on placing my washer, dryer and generator on the little trailer and towing it to the lake 1/4 mile away using the small tractor.

I can barter for washing clothes while the neighborhood takes a swim and cleans up.

That should keep the buzzards from circling our area for a time.

There is a big difference between lack of hygiene and different hygiene. In my parents day bathing once weekly was the normal routinue. That was done in a big tub with water hauled from the well. I grew up taking two shouwers daily, with water piped in and heated automatically, which is really unnecessary.

Incense and purfumes have been around since the beginning of time.

I have read about people in the old days being able to identify family members in a dark room by their smell.

Seems I have also read studies that claim humans have a better developed sense of smell than other primates. That must have some connection to our digestive system not allowin us to eat some of the putrid crap the reminder of the animal world digests.
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RE: your sense of smell could save your life post SHTF - by Mortblanc - 26 March 2013, 19:36

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