RE: SW coast path landslips 10 times worse than normal.
With a view to prepping this topic brings up an important point. In a serious breakdown as well as most of the major roads etc being blocked, how long before all the footpaths, trackways and minor roads become unuseable through neglect. When you think how quick grass etc grows through cracks and can destroy a pavement I don't think it would take too long before travel became harder. This is one thing they never show you on these movies, all the roads and paths are still in use, the railway tracks are still there etc.
I like to visualise a situation and when I think of a stretch of railway track left alone for five years to mother nature, without any weeding or control of bushes and trees, I think after this time the track would be buried under vegetation and unuseable. Our pavements and side streets are kept clear of weeds by an army of council workers, imagine all that stopping! after five years our infrastructure would be gone. Or maybe I should have more faith in the quality of our roads etc and we can see their use for generations after the event. After all the Romans built very good roads that were in use into the Medieval period a thousand years after their collapse.