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understanding light
8 April 2013, 01:50,
RE: understanding light
okay just cause im a science guy i feel compelled to reply at least once more xD

light when travelling through something like glass doesn't technically slow down, it gets absorbed by atoms, then re-emitted with the exact same properties and direction, so it enters and exits the medium in the same state, but the time it takes for the photon to be absorbed and re-emitted is what causes this apparent slowing,

im not sure how they slowed light down in those other experiments though, and i doubt it has anything to do with absorption and re-emission Tongue

as for how light does this absorbtion and re-emission, all the photon of light is doing is hitting an electron, raising the electrons energy level, then the electron wants to drop down to a lower energy state, the lowest it can as this is the most pleasing configuration for matter, and in dropping down, it sheds the excess energy as a photon, its called excitation.

also they are various ideas floating around for a "naked singularity" that is to say the infinitely high mass bit of the black hole, seperated from its event horizon, but yes such ideas are pointless to get into for the average prepper, although it can be an interesting exercise of the mind.

Messages In This Thread
understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 4 April 2013, 18:50
RE: understanding light - by BeardyMan - 4 April 2013, 20:14
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 4 April 2013, 20:33
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 08:08
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 09:16
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 09:28
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 09:38
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 09:51
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 10:00
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 11:21
RE: understanding light - by Tartar Horde - 5 April 2013, 11:26
RE: understanding light - by Binnie - 5 April 2013, 11:55
RE: understanding light - by Tartar Horde - 5 April 2013, 12:30
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 12:40
RE: understanding light - by Binnie - 5 April 2013, 12:41
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 12:42
RE: understanding light - by Tartar Horde - 5 April 2013, 12:50
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 13:09
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 13:10
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 13:11
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 13:13
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 13:21
RE: understanding light - by Tartar Horde - 5 April 2013, 13:33
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 13:23
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 13:25
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 13:45
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 13:46
RE: understanding light - by Tartar Horde - 6 April 2013, 11:45
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 13:48
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 5 April 2013, 13:48
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 5 April 2013, 13:55
RE: understanding light - by Wildman - 6 April 2013, 00:29
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 6 April 2013, 10:44
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 6 April 2013, 16:48
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 6 April 2013, 18:59
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 8 April 2013, 01:50
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 8 April 2013, 09:51
RE: understanding light - by Skean Dhude - 8 April 2013, 11:50
RE: understanding light - by Tartar Horde - 8 April 2013, 12:14
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 8 April 2013, 15:35
RE: understanding light - by Hrusai - 9 April 2013, 04:19
RE: understanding light - by Luci_ferson - 9 April 2013, 09:19

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