EDC, GHB, BOB, etc
Hi everyone
This is being written on my phone, so may end up as multiple lined sections depending how my phone is feeling.
Okay, lets begin.
EDC, Every Day Carry.
The easiest way to figure your honest EDC is this: If I were to stop you at any point on any day in any location and said Empty your pockets. The things you empty out each day are your EDC. If one day you're camping and have a machete the next you have a hatchet, etc, these do not count. However, if you're walking around the shops without a bag or you're hanging at a friends house playing Xbox or something, the items in your pockets on those 'normal days' are your EDC, things like house keys lighter (if you smoke) and mobile phone.
Next up is the GHB, Get Home Bag.
This is a kit that you have when you are away from home and need some equipment to get you home. For me I make sure my GHB has enough supplies to travel well over 50 miles! I believe the kit is good for over 100 miles...but that's because 100 miles is doable without much kit at all! Most people keep their GHB in the boot of their car. If the bag stays at home, then it's useless as a GHB....because you're already home.
Last up is the BOB or INCH bag. These can be the same or different, depending on your plans. I'll explain.
BOB is Bug Out Bag. Usually this is to keep you relatively comfortable for 3+ days away from the home. Generally there is the option to return home, so most BOB's are built on the expectation that the user will be able to return home at some point.
The INCH bag (often thought of as the same as a BOB) stands for I'm Not Coming Home bag.
The INCH would be best thought of as a BOB that's planning a no-return trip. Which some BOB's are built for...thus why the terms are often interchangeable in many people's eyes.
Okay, on to my thoughts on the kits.
First up: EDC
It's not a 100 mile GHB, but can have the same capabilities, but not the same comfort factor. What I mean is that with the clothes you're wearing, you'd be capable of travelling 100 miles by foot. The facilities provided by the GHB (extra food, water, heat, etc) make the journey more comfortable. So, the EDC just needs to cover everyday things. Stuff like a knife or 2, mobile phone, bottle of watee, and car keys, would be what most people have with them everyday.
The more unusual EDC items, like the knives, torches, etc, are easily kept in a small pouch that is kept in the pocket. Also, housekeys and the keyrings on them are important. It's easy to keep a tin opener, mini torch, and flint on the keys. I use the tin opener to complete the steel and flint system. But the EDC also includes wallet, cash and those things. It's better to add a little extra capability to everyday carry than you think you'll need. Items worth thinking about include lockpicks, prybars (not a fan but some love them) and mini multitools like Leatherman Juice. These extras will allow more capabilities.
As for knives in an EDC, best to go UK carry legal. I opt to carry 4 small knives, most as styled like pens so don't raise eyebrows when someone catches a glimpse of them.
Next up is the GHB. One thing to remember, you'll have your EDC with you. As the GHB is to get you home, consider how far away you'd be, then add 10 miles to it's capability. Also, think about whether you'd want to stop moving on your way home. For me I have the equivalent to a steroided-up running kit. I have a change of shoes and enough water and food to not need to replenish or stay over for a night. Having said that, Murphy's law says I'll be staying over for a night. With this in mind my GHB has the capability to make a stay over more bareable. Not necessarily comfortable, but more easily manageable (emergency shelter, emergency blankets, etc). If you're not able to make a 50+ mile journey in a single push, you'll have to build in a better stop over system than someone capable of a longer journey in a single go. Also, kids and the alike will need a stay. Don't forget an injury is possible and thus a stay over could easily be required! Build in at least a one night sleeping kit.
Okay, now onto the more complex systems of a BOB. I'm not going to talk about this much. I'm just going to say, consider whether you're roughing it in a tent or basha, or whether you're going to a BOL and what stores are at the BOL. With this, include a contingency as to whether the BOL is compromised and uninhabitable, does your BOB allow you to survive a few more days to let you get to plan B.
BOB equipment is hotly debated, but if you use a 3 day camping trip with 10 mile hikes as a starting point, you won't be badly equipped.
Everyone has different requirements and capabilities. But the base principles are the same.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin