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frugality means freedom.
11 April 2013, 20:15,
RE: frugality means freedom.
I really like that post. I must be well on my way to being cheap since I exhibit 8 of the 15 signs. I think if I started washing out and reusing sandwich bags my wife would go nuts.

The article touches on a reason I think many are unhappy today: they want stuff they don't have and cant afford.

In my opinion debt=servitude. This is nothing new. Goes back at least as far as the days of lords and serfs, you were born into debt and died in debt. Then transformed into factory towns where all ones wages went to the factory store. Now in the modern era we have the magic plastic. So painless. You get what you want and just swipe this plastic card.
Get into debt and the man controls you.

I have lost employment in the past because of an unwillingness to bow down. I work hard, do the best I can. It's how I was raised. Don't ask me to kiss your ass too. Don't ask me to put the job ahead of my family. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. I could do this and survive because we don't have huge amount of debt and we have what we need to get by. During the periods of unemployment, most recently last fall, those preps have come in very handy. Didn't have to buy anything at the store except milk and eggs. (yes we have these stored too in dry form, but we weren't that desperate Smile )

No, we don't have the newest gadgets, cars and other stuff. We do have self-respect and the confidence needed to stand up for ourselves.

Messages In This Thread
frugality means freedom. - by bigpaul - 11 April 2013, 18:45
RE: frugality means freedom. - by Tibbs735 - 11 April 2013, 20:02
RE: frugality means freedom. - by Rush2112 - 11 April 2013, 20:15
RE: frugality means freedom. - by MaryN - 11 April 2013, 20:51
RE: frugality means freedom. - by Scythe13 - 12 April 2013, 08:37
RE: frugality means freedom. - by Tartar Horde - 12 April 2013, 13:17
RE: frugality means freedom. - by preservefreak - 12 April 2013, 14:25

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