How to starve in style.....kind of
Okay, this is something I'll probably get a total bollocking for posting, but seriously, if that's the case, then you're obviously missing the underlying meaning of what I'm saying.
As people, we are capable of amazing feets. There is always mention of things like mind over matter, and if you can think it, you can do it. Having a positive mental attitude is important. But let's look at one thing that'll STUN most people. FASTING!
This is the part that will upset LOADS of people. It's a simple 5 letter word and when I say it, loads of you will go mad and stop reading, while others will go...."Okay, maybe I shouldn't make an idiot of myself and I will read this and see where he's going." Are you ready for this word? I know you think you are, and you probably believe you are, but MANY of you aren't ready for me to say this word.
Okay here is comes, whether you like this or not....I don't care, the message is about prepping, so shut up and suck it up.
Here it is.....
There, I said it, and LOADS of you are going nuts, but screw you all for not reading the rest of this post.
Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days and didn't eat. As a result of that story, MANY Christians have 40 day fasts, eating nothing at all for 40 days. They'll drink water, but not anything with nutritional value.
This is a stunning piece of information to receive! Since many people do this, it clearly says the human body is capable of surviving for 40 days without food. Putting that into prepping terms, that means you could very easily bug out, by water, and still survive without food, for much longer than you initially thought possible.
If you have the capability to survive for 40 days, what is it that kills people of starvation so much faster?
One thing I believe that causes people to die so much faster is that they place limits on their ability and are unused to going without. This causes people to believe they are going to die much sooner and thus their mind and body synchronise so that they person will die faster.
Another thought is the idea that a person with a positive attitude is more likely to survive. This is obvious, but in regards to having no food for 1 week, then for another week, then for another week, it's probably really hard to go 27 days without food and still remain positive. Yet, there are some that go for an additional 2 weeks without food!!! Having that focus and positive attitude is a HUGE factor, in my opinion, on starving your body but surviving.
Belief in a higher power is probably a HUGE factor. I'll not be saying whether there is a higher power or not, because this thread has nothing to do with any religious stuff, I'm just using Christians fasting for 40 days in a row, as an example; so the higher belief thing will simply be in the positive attitude part, with a small caveat. The 40-day fast is based on the premise that there is an end in sight. Whether they believe there is a higher power or not, the principle is that they have a goal and a target and an end in sight.
It is possible to find food at some point in 40 days, and so, having a 40 day fast with a 40th day end in sight, will also allow a person to focus and get ready for the effort it will take to get through the 40 days.
As preppers, we need to get our heads around the lessons above. We should all be able to survive for 40 days without food. The reasons people starve to death in shorter time periods will probably be things like, loss of hope, helplessness, no focus, negative focus, negative outlook, negative attitude, no end goal, no self belief, and things like that.
We should be able to bug out for 40 days once food supplies have be used up. When bugging in and waiting for a die off, we should be able to survive an additional 40 days before we need to leave home for caches.
I'm not saying we're all guaranteed to live 40 days without, and I am not recommending we all go and try it, but it is something worth looking into, learning about, and figuring out how to use such a thing to our own advantage.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin