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Free Solar for worth getting for after the SHTF?
26 April 2013, 13:36,
RE: Free Solar for worth getting for after the SHTF?
That's interesting Tarrel. I don't doubt that buying a system best adapted to post SHTF needs is idea;, I have looked into this as well. At the moment I am interested in how usful a massive free set up could be. And what would need to be done to make use of it. So the info you gave about the voltage is most useful as a starting point for me to start asking the right questions to those more knowledgeable than myself in the ways of wires. It used to be a good deal to buy panels, but not since they reduced the pay out tarrif, now you'd be lucky to break even in 10 years, let alone match what interest you'd have got on the investment. I don't want to put my capital in that direction anyway. I looked into the house selling thing, not too much of an issue for me. However now that I have a next door neighbour with this system, it could be pretty useful as it is... perhaps all I need is the knowledge to make it work after the grid is down, and we can share... not that I think he's long for this world even in the best of circumstances.

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RE: Free Solar for worth getting for after the SHTF? - by Tonka - 26 April 2013, 13:36

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