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surviving bomb blasts
26 April 2013, 20:21,
RE: surviving bomb blasts
The reason there is so much chaos and panic is that the bombers pick soft target to create panic and confusion.

How would you react?

Depends on the size of the device, where it is placed, how far you are from it and it you are injured. Lots of factors and you often have no control over your reaction.

Bombs create concussion, concussion scrambes your brain.

I once was inside a command post bunker that took a direct hit from a Russian 82mm mortar round. It was a well built bunker and still collapsed on us.

I did not have a scratch on me but both ears were bleeding, I was completely addled and remained that way for several days. Some say I am still addled.!

I do know that my ears have been ringing for 40 years and I say "what did you say?" a great deal.

I also have a scar on my leg from shrapnel that exploded more than 200 yards from my position! I am sure that if it had hit me in the head rather than the leg I would be dead. Now that one pi$$ed me off!

You never know what you are goin gto do until the situation arises. Better just count on crapping you pants and squeeling like a little girl as you run away. I have seen well trained soldiers do that.

I have also seen hard core athiests pray like Jesuits and promise their lives to missionary service while cowered in the fetal position.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

Messages In This Thread
surviving bomb blasts - by bigpaul - 18 April 2013, 09:02
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Mosstrooper - 18 April 2013, 09:19
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by bigpaul - 18 April 2013, 09:51
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Jonas - 18 April 2013, 17:39
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by bigpaul - 18 April 2013, 17:44
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Highlander - 18 April 2013, 18:26
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Grumpy Grandpa - 26 April 2013, 09:16
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Straight Shooter - 26 April 2013, 18:37
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Mortblanc - 26 April 2013, 20:21
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Highlander - 26 April 2013, 20:24
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Binnie - 26 April 2013, 20:41
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Mortblanc - 27 April 2013, 01:40
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Mooski88 - 27 April 2013, 05:26
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Mortblanc - 27 April 2013, 16:15
RE: surviving bomb blasts - by Mooski88 - 27 April 2013, 16:36

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