RE: After the apocalypse ??
If one looks at the location of reactor generating plants in the U.S it becomes obvious that there is a trend.
Whenever possible the designers locate the plant west of the city it will serve and no more than ten miles away. Often the urban sprawl cozies up right next to the plant walls.
In event of a meltdown the radiation will track across the population dense area within minutes of the event.
After our own 3 Mile Island incident many of these reactors were converted to natural gas.
It is quite odd to drive across the countryside and spot these converted cooling towers and knowing one would have been living in their shadows but for public outcry.
However, many of the most dense urban areas are still served by nuke plants, and almost every one of them is west of the city, upwind of the plant or there are a series of plants that completely encircle the city.
It is as if they intend to wipe out the urban population in any intense natural disaster.
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