(5 May 2013, 17:52)Mortblanc Wrote: Yep, it has been getting closer and closer every day sine 1974 when I first hear most of these arguments
If energy meltdown does not get us then global warming will, or plague or over population or some fool thing someone invents to guarantee their research grant.
Global warming was not even a concept until the early 1990s and according to the predictions of that time both London and New York should be under 200 feet of water.
If you are really that worried about the energy situation the do your part. Turn off your lights, heat, air conditioning and the fridge. Park your car and refuse to support the oil industry. Grow all your own food so transport of the merchandise will not consume fuel, grow your own wool spin your own thread and weave your own fabric.
The U.S has 400 years of fuel reserves at the present rate of use. The water has not risen one inch in the past 40 years, the warming trend was documented as having stopped 10 years ago.
As for the population explosion, just stop giving tax breaks for dependent children and tax by family size. Stop sending food to third world nations and let nature take its course, along with the mass migrations, food wars and genocide campaigns.
When you look at it like that it just seems like SHTF is the continuation of world history as it has always been, not some mysterious force no one has seen before.
someone kindly tell the politicians!
it always makes me laugh when an American says" oh, there's plenty of oil left", everyone with half a brain knows that we passed the peak at least 5 years ago and we are now on the downhill slope, we are using more oil than they are finding, if we have so much oil why are they bothering with Fracking and Tar oil if the easier stuff is so plentiful? oil is a FINITE resourse, there wont be any more for millions of years and when its all gone-its gone! i think we'll all see an economic collapse LONG before all the oil is gone, there may be oil in the ground but we wont be able to afford to buy it!
BTW it is well known that ALL the oil producing nations LIE about how much oil they have in their reserves, it would probably be political suicide to tell the truth! well, we all know TPTB never tell the truth-dont we??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.