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20 January 2012, 17:27,
RE: Soap

2tbsp fresh or 1tbsp of dried Basil leaves
2tbsp fresh or 1tbsp of dried loveage leaves
1 pint of water.

Put all the leaves into the water and bring to the boil, simmer with a lid on for 5 minutes.
meanwhile sterelize a jar and allow to cool.
Take the pan with the leaves and water off the heat and allow to cool with the lid on
Strain the liquid into the jar and throw or compost the leaves.
To apply, dip a flannel into the liquid and dab under your arms or put into a mister and spray under your arms

Perfect deodorant as nature intended (sort of)
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.


Messages In This Thread
Soap - by Scythe13 - 20 January 2012, 15:00
RE: Soap - by Skean Dhude - 20 January 2012, 15:27
RE: Soap - by Skean Dhude - 20 January 2012, 15:28
RE: Soap - by Scythe13 - 20 January 2012, 16:51
RE: Soap - by Reality Jones - 20 January 2012, 17:00
RE: Soap - by Scythe13 - 20 January 2012, 17:07
RE: Soap - by Reality Jones - 20 January 2012, 17:16
RE: Soap - by Scythe13 - 20 January 2012, 17:20
RE: Soap - by Reality Jones - 20 January 2012, 17:27
RE: Soap - by Scythe13 - 20 January 2012, 17:29
RE: Soap - by bigpaul - 20 January 2012, 17:35
RE: Soap - by Reality Jones - 20 January 2012, 17:40
RE: Soap - by Scythe13 - 20 January 2012, 17:48
RE: Soap - by uks - 20 January 2012, 20:41
RE: Soap - by Terry - 20 January 2012, 20:43
RE: Soap - by Skean Dhude - 20 January 2012, 21:49
RE: Soap - by Prep Girl - 20 January 2012, 22:35
RE: Soap - by NorthernRaider - 20 January 2012, 22:37
RE: Soap - by Prep Girl - 20 January 2012, 22:43

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