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police do you trust them ???
15 May 2013, 15:01,
RE: police do you trust them ???
So the SHTF scenario is in full swing and Society is broken down there is no rule or law. In order to protect ourselves and our supplies we have banded together and formed a small community. We take turns to keep watch whilst the other sleeps. We have a mutual agreement not to kill each other or take the sleeping peoples supplies and that becomes a common LAW. We all choose to live by that law. We co-exist to an extent however supplies have started going missing and the group become suspicious. We look at the evidence and investigate in order to catch the culprit thereby policing ourselves. We get the thief red handed, what do we do with him now? Do we kill him outright, do we banish him from our community or do we listen to his pleas for forgiveness. We must decide thereby he is going to be judged by his peers and a decision reached. A new rule is implemented that nobody is allowed to access the stores during the hours of night in order to protect our supplies and ultimately each other.

However there are those amongst us now who feel that the other are getting a better deal. How do we approach that ? do we just kill the others or do we discuss it and reach a mutual agreement by setting up some form of government with representatives from each group discussing the issues?

And so it starts all over again. Society, no matter how small, needs rules and people to enforce those rules, people to deal with the rule breakers etc.... This is how society/communities function. This is how mankind has managed to live this far.

Messages In This Thread
police do you trust them ??? - by Sunna - 14 May 2013, 00:19
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by MCavity - 14 May 2013, 09:16
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 14 May 2013, 09:19
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 14 May 2013, 09:38
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 14 May 2013, 10:09
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 14 May 2013, 13:15
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Sunna - 14 May 2013, 14:40
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by MCavity - 14 May 2013, 14:44
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 14 May 2013, 14:49
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Bucket - 14 May 2013, 15:35
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 14 May 2013, 15:47
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Jonas - 14 May 2013, 17:19
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Sunna - 15 May 2013, 11:48
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by AlFig - 15 May 2013, 15:01
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 15 May 2013, 15:10
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 15 May 2013, 17:02
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 16 May 2013, 08:42
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Tdvsko - 15 May 2013, 20:06
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Jonas - 16 May 2013, 18:42
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 17 May 2013, 15:41
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 18 May 2013, 17:58
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by iaaems - 19 May 2013, 10:39
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 19 May 2013, 10:42
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Sunna - 19 May 2013, 12:43
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 19 May 2013, 17:57
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Sunna - 19 May 2013, 18:03
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 19 May 2013, 18:05
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Sunna - 19 May 2013, 18:14
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 19 May 2013, 18:22
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Sunna - 19 May 2013, 18:28
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by bigpaul - 19 May 2013, 18:29
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Waylander - 25 August 2013, 15:16
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by BDG - 25 August 2013, 16:05
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Skean Dhude - 26 August 2013, 18:54
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by BFG Central - 25 August 2013, 17:24
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Sunna - 27 August 2013, 16:44
RE: police do you trust them ??? - by Skean Dhude - 27 August 2013, 21:15

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