RE: Sewage gases from toilets post shtf
It really is a worry that need not be a worry. Your toilet can be dry whilst the system is working and you will have no problems with gas. I and I expect others on these boards will have been in enough abandoned buildings that we are not unfamiliar with a dry toilet.
If TSHSF in such a big style you were to have problems, how long would people have water to flush? How long would the majority of the population be staying at home pooping and flushing? How long would they have food to poop?
Not long.
I know that on Tyneside, two weeks worth of waste for the whole conurbation can be stored no problem. That is a million people flushing the toilet and the waste being stored.
Now, Could you get backflow into your home through the toilet?
Yes, you could. If you were at the lowest part of the system of the sewer network and yours was the first point of exit from the sewer network, rather than an inspection cover or similar.
Could their be a gas explosion that could move crap around? Yup, but as long as you have water in your toilet - water from rain, your own waste water, water from where ever, then excess pressure should be taken care of. Was one old factory me and a couple of mates would visit once or twice a week, had the water cut off, toilet never dried out as we would piss in it (although we did not release the brown trouts as we knew was no water to flush) and we must have been going to the place more than a year.
It is much more likely that if you live near the lowest point in the system, a road with the sewer under it could collapse and the street would be full of mess for a while. It would stink to high heavens and the rats would be a problem. Might be a blessing in disguise in keeping people away and then once it had composted to be used as manure.
Probably be safer to use the manure to add to water to feed insects for fish food rather than putting it on plants I would think.