(16 May 2013, 18:42)Jonas Wrote: That "lots of stuff lying around" could also be bait to lure you in. I don't expect dead bodies will be left around wearing perfectly good clothes and boots, much less watches and rings, and your attire might be just the right size for someone watching. If we were in a SHTF mode and I were to come across something useful and valuable "just lying around", I'd figure that it was placed there by someone with extremely bad intentions and a bullet would be in my head before I could move it two feet. I'd definitely leave it alone, and avoid the area.
"Looting" can be very hazardous to your health. In emergencies here in Texas, looters are shot, not just by law enforcement, but also by the population at large.
i'm definitely NOT interested in dead bodies thank you very much, they've probably got some horrible diseases I don't want and the clothes aren't gonna fit anyway. "Resources" are what I will be looking for, and I will be looking IMMEDIATELY post SHTF not 1 or 3 or 6 months down the line, by the time the starving are looking to find the same thing I will be hunkered down.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.