RE: Ways to keep warm - your ideas are needed
No-one said that the whole of the UK was going to go down at the same time, but we have had our warning that power is likely to be in short supply certainly within a few years,.. [ not everyone at once I am sure ]
We have planned for this for a while, it was our three year project
year one,....we started off with cavity wall, and 10 inches insulation in the attic, its no good being able to create heat if you then loose it through the walls,...
Year two,..we then put in the solar panels, this produces the electric to power heat in the house if need be,.. even on dull days
..and year three,... we added a multi-fueled stove with a back boiler, so it heats our water in the tank upstairs, and runs 8 radiators
A major part of survival is invisibility.