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“How Far Do You Want To Develop Your Preps?”
8 June 2013, 14:48,
RE: “How Far Do You Want To Develop Your Preps?”
NorthernRaider Wrote: How much money you spend each year on prepping as a percentage of income or amount and do you consider it realistic.

[/b][/i] A hell of a lot, probably about £20 a week, havent had the courage to add it up for a year

NorthernRaider Wrote: How far you intend to go to be self- reliant and off grid

I would like to go all the way, but in reality we have the solar now, that could be put to batterys, and we plan on a wind turbine

NorthernRaider Wrote: Do you want to live off grid full time permanently if you possibly can

Would love to, but there are so many down sides to it as well as bonuses

NorthernRaider Wrote: Do you / are you developing substantial veg plots and life stock preps

veg plots yes, lifestock no

NorthernRaider Wrote: How many PV panels do you own and how many to you actually want

We have an array of 16 panels

NorthernRaider Wrote: Are you planning on laying a 12VDC circuit in your home

Not at present

NorthernRaider Wrote: Do you have an auxiliary water storage treatment plan in place and how much water can it contain

We have two containers holding 1000 litres each, and two that hold a 100 litres each,.. we change them often and treat with small amounts of bleach

NorthernRaider Wrote: How much time do you consider as being realistic each week for your preps

,.. If we are really serious then prepping becomes almost a way of life, as in it is always on your mind, I guess the answer is probably a 12/7 thinking about it and at least two nights a week packing away stores or doing some sort of project

NorthernRaider Wrote: Are you planning for a whole family group or just yourself.

,..We will of course except family if they can make it this far north, we are also preping for one other couple who dont yet know it,.. its a friend who is very handy, owns his own guns ,... we are sure they will be glad of the invite if it comes.

NorthernRaider Wrote: Are you adapting your normal lifestyle to integrate your preps or are they kept separate (are you trying to live the preppers lifestyle now)

I think the two mingle quiet well

NorthernRaider Wrote: Do you have auxiliary heating systems like wood stoves separate from grid supplied gas and electric if so may I enquire without damaging your opsec approximately how much wood / coal/ oil/ gas have you set aside ( probably easy for some to say “ I have XXX months supply of firewood)

We have a multi fueled stove, linked to the central heating and hot water tank upstairs, and with a switch that will kick in the oil burner if required,... I always cut enough wood for the winter months, so usually have that much on hand,... we do also use some coal, but very little,.. we also have access to burning peat

NorthernRaider Wrote: Do you have a food stockpile or cache


NorthernRaider Wrote: Have you got or plan on getting a micro wind turbine (sub 1500 doofahs) if so is it erected and in use or cached for after TSHTF

,.. this is our next project, we will have at least a 1kw turbine up within the year

NorthernRaider Wrote: Have you / are you planning on moving to a more sustainable location in the near future


NorthernRaider Wrote: And heres one that does not actually raise its head here very often
What event or incident are you prepping to survive??

an emergency, is an emergency, so we would like to think we are prepareing for almost anything,.. in practical terms that not always going to be possible,... but the main ones would be social unrest from whatever reason,... terrorist attack that would effect any transport/food supplies,... or an EMP attack, be it from either a terrorist attack or from the sun
A major part of survival is invisibility.

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RE: “How Far Do You Want To Develop Your Preps?” - by Highlander - 8 June 2013, 14:48

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