ever changing variables
One of the most curious things people do is when they are at minimal risk to anything at present they prepare for specific scenarios.
Everybody's risk level changes from day to day,from economic to environmental.
Personally I rarely leave mainland UK and with the size of the UK you are never likely to be far from civilization.
To me there is a 95% chance I will only find myself in a short term survival situation in my lifetime.
Sure the knowledge and skill set to cope with any situation is useful but to be frank you can be the most prepared out there but it is all pointless if your mental strength and physical fitness is not reasonable.
I know one of my flaws would be my risk taking as I love a buzz,I could quite easily put myself and other people in danger and increase risk if I don't keep that side of me in check.
But that's why we are here,to gain knowledge and take on board others opinions...it is just a matter of respecting others opinions and deciding yourself if there relevant to you.
And remember folks knowledge is pointless if not shared