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Question of the day, Bugging in / out
10 June 2013, 18:55,
RE: Question of the day, Bugging in / out
(10 June 2013, 15:24)Bliksem Wrote: Im a sales rep so no, I will have one hell of a time getting home if im out on the road. My wife could walk and pick up my three year old but i have to say my outlook on an "instant" disaster is bad.
Only two roads in and out from my office to home +- 40KM apart. Traveling through a Township/squatter camp on one road and next to Township/squatter camp on the other.

If you have to walk, remember not to walk on the road, walk with the road in sight if possible,..this will help keep you hidden from view but still keep you on course,..

how is your map reading/compass work?, could you travel across country away from roads?,..if not it might be a good idea to find a map reading course

Is there anyone else at your work that would need to get home in the same direction,.. if you are not alone your chances are better.

I have no idea where you are. but is it possible to use waterways as a means of getting home?,.. if that's a possibility then a canoe stashed close to work would help,... rivers and canals are easily traveled, even if they take the long way

You need to think about this, its important, if necessary start a thread giving as much information about your route as you feel safe in doing, and lets see what ideas people come up with
A major part of survival is invisibility.

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RE: Question of the day, Bugging in / out - by Highlander - 10 June 2013, 18:55

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