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Positive, Negative and Neutral media
11 June 2013, 15:07,
RE: Positive, Negative and Neutral media
I think you guys need not worry so.

This site is one of the tame ones and of no real concern to TPTB.

There are some real scary sites out there but they are "invitation only", hidden under several layers of internet security and you are not going to stumble over then on an google search as most people make it here.

Your 5 rolls of TP, three cans of soup and the Banshee and six arrows does not even make one of the surveillance techs smirk.

I know of churches over here that consider their right to worship at risk. They have stockpiles of food to keep their congregations several hundred alive for months and means to put up a significant defense.

I just returned Sunday from a 10 day camp of 250 that meets each year on the same weekend. Everyone simply shows up. Woodcraft/survival skills taught daily in classes for adult, teen and child. Shooting competition on situation course morning and afternoon. Archery field competition each afternoon. Homesteading/food prep/food preservation seminars throughout the week. Those fellows are not even politically radical or socially withdrawn, simply concerned about emergency situations.

You guys take four months and 100 posts to organize an RV for 6.

And most other internet prepper sites are the same; disorganized, widely scattered, untrained, out in the open in cyberspace.

There are some seriously twisted prepers out there. Over the years I have known of several that had enough equipment of supply one of your SAS units for a major mission or organize the overthrow of a small nation.

The Spying our government has done was more directed toward the opposition Party and their campaign plans during the past election and against organized grass roots conservative political groups than individuals. That was proven by the continued successful terrorist activity we have been experiencing over here.

Not being in GB I am uncertain what your megalomaniacs are frightened of.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

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RE: Positive, Negative and Neutral media - by Mortblanc - 11 June 2013, 15:07

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