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Keeping Horses
27 June 2013, 08:58, (This post was last modified: 27 June 2013, 09:14 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Keeping Horses
I see a need to be able to harness them and ride them after TSHTF, and watch the guys using plough horses at Beamish, but outside that horses are definately not my thing. Unfortunately one of the few drawback we have living around here is the high population of horse ownership. So we get gypseys and traps racing illegally through the village most days. We get traffic chaos when the local Fionnas and Amadas decided to walk their creatures ddown the main road causing even more traffic haos cos the beasts are so skittish you dare not over take them. Then of course the piles of mess they leave on the pavement most days. Then the dreaded mother and daughter driving the Bedford horse box at 20 MPH adding to the misery especially when Mercedes and Jemmima invite their chums for a gymcana.

They are how ever dearly loved and cared for by their doting owners and I respect that, thse folks have great and close long lasting bonds with their animals and as I pointed out above AFTER TSHTf they will be a great asset to preppers. But I do wish they were confined to farms.

We have nicknamed the two Palaminos next to the old folks home PEDIGREE and CHUM it drives the owners beserk when we call them over to give em a treat of carrots Smile

ROTFLMBO just got a PM from someone I wont name so Mary doesnt kill em saying the post about horses should be in the FOOD section Smile


Messages In This Thread
Keeping Horses - by MaryN - 27 June 2013, 08:38
RE: Keeping Horses - by NorthernRaider - 27 June 2013, 08:58
RE: Keeping Horses - by Highlander - 27 June 2013, 11:43
RE: Keeping Horses - by NorthernRaider - 27 June 2013, 11:53
RE: Keeping Horses - by Carnebwen - 27 June 2013, 12:50
RE: Keeping Horses - by bigpaul - 27 June 2013, 12:55
RE: Keeping Horses - by BeardyMan - 27 June 2013, 16:34
RE: Keeping Horses - by bigpaul - 27 June 2013, 16:51
RE: Keeping Horses - by Stewart - 27 June 2013, 20:31
RE: Keeping Horses - by MaryN - 27 June 2013, 20:34
RE: Keeping Horses - by Stewart - 27 June 2013, 20:37
RE: Keeping Horses - by bigpaul - 27 June 2013, 20:38
RE: Keeping Horses - by MaryN - 28 June 2013, 20:50
RE: Keeping Horses - by bigpaul - 29 June 2013, 08:51

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