Accepted HL, maybe it is far from perfect, you're never going to be walking around with labels in your pocket just in case but if you have made at least some prior mental preparation (and that's where I think this piece is so valuable,) you will be better able to classify casualties in your mind, at the very least. If there's some way of marking them as well, so much the better.
I think the point of triage is that you
have to assess
all the casualties (even it means moving on from someone who needs immediate treatment,) so you can properly assess priorities. Maybe one or two people would have difficulty managing the situation but if that's all you have, you have to make the attempt. I think also that to triage effectively, you would have to try to close off emotion and for it to be most effective, it would have to be cold and maybe brutal. I don't think I'd hesitate to use walking wounded if I needed extra hands and in this case, you certainly would!
Tell you what though, it focused your thoughts on what
you would do, didn't it?