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What is Money When the System Collapses?
29 June 2013, 16:46,
RE: What is Money When the System Collapses?
I thought everyone was going to throw everything they needed in a big black plastic bag and head for the nearest hedgerow?

This past week has been illuminating with gold falling by 20% on top of it's already steady decline. Some analysts are predicting gold will be below $1000 by year end.

As the economy improves, and it is improving very slowly and in a different way than we wished, silver will decline further. Much of the silver supply is recycled during other manufacturing processes. As manufacturing increases silver supply increases and price declines.

Amazing that the world markets went into a steady and purposeful plunge two weeks after the Bilderburg meeting!

For the average prepper cash is still king. While we envision a barter society after SHTF the rest of the society will not realize their economy is not going to recover until well into the event. Your money is going to be in demand for several weeks or months after SHTF, or at least until everyone realizes the shops are not going to open again and they are going to have to go to the source for commodities.

This also asks the question, do you have a safe in your house and money in it? (rhetorical question, do not post your financial details)

I am not talking about a cash box with a little key and twenty dollars, euros or pounds inside. I am talking about a secure safe bolted to wall or floor with enough money inside to pay your way for a month or two, or at least get you out of town!

SHTF, banks are going to be closed, ATM devices shut down for lack of power or smashed in the first wave of looting. What you have on hand is going to be all there is.

Your carefully developed "skills" are not going to kick in as needed commodities for a year. Everyone around you will have to decide that things are not going back to normal before you become a valued contributor because you can juggle, make faces or sing and dance.

Even farming and gardening skills may not be of recognized value for up to 1 1/2 years after SHTF, especially if the event happens at the end of the growing season and you have to endure a winter, then find seed to plant, tend the fields all summer then harvest.

Perhaps what we should really be prepping for is the slow decline into the permanent poverty of 3rd world status as TPTB take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots" until everyone is equally poor and starving. We may look back and find that what we endured was not a "crash" but a carefully controlled lowering of life expectations.
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RE: What is Money When the System Collapses? - by Mortblanc - 29 June 2013, 16:46

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