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Crossbow Advice
29 June 2013, 21:15,
RE: Crossbow Advice
(29 June 2013, 17:06)bigpaul Wrote: it wasn't just rabbits anyhow, there's squirrels-their crazy! pheasants-their just stupid..wont fly unless they absolutely HAVE to, wood pigeons, if it comes down to it post collapse I will eat pretty much any decent size bird that's flying around.

I've hunted and eaten all of those.

Squirrels are hard to kill, not only are they small, they are hard as nails. Hit them in the right place and they die, hit them in the wrong place and they leg it - I've blown one near in half with a rifle and it still tried to crawl away. If it expires with your arrow in it 80ft up a chestnut tree you can consider them both lost.

Pheasants - they are abundant because they are raised and released by the thousand to be shot. Post crash expect them to be rapidly consumed by foxes. Trust me on this, I tried to encourage them on my own land and regularly found piles of feathers and a nearby fox turd.

Wood pigeon - the ones found in woodland not the ones that occasionally visit your garden - you need the patience of Job and damned good camo to sneak up on a woodie, it's difficult with an air rifle and that has a useful headshot range of 40yds. Pistol crossbow ? Forget it.

Messages In This Thread
Crossbow Advice - by SierraCharlie - 28 June 2013, 08:05
RE: Crossbow Advice - by NorthernRaider - 28 June 2013, 08:40
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Highlander - 28 June 2013, 09:26
RE: Crossbow Advice - by SierraCharlie - 28 June 2013, 13:56
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 28 June 2013, 10:22
RE: Crossbow Advice - by John - 28 June 2013, 11:19
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 28 June 2013, 11:26
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Mortblanc - 28 June 2013, 14:06
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 28 June 2013, 14:17
RE: Crossbow Advice - by MCavity - 28 June 2013, 14:27
RE: Crossbow Advice - by NorthernRaider - 28 June 2013, 14:33
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Lightspeed - 28 June 2013, 14:42
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 28 June 2013, 15:20
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Barneyboy - 28 June 2013, 18:07
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 28 June 2013, 18:13
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Mortblanc - 28 June 2013, 18:02
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Barneyboy - 28 June 2013, 18:14
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Lightspeed - 1 July 2013, 07:10
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Mortblanc - 1 July 2013, 18:40
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 28 June 2013, 18:16
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Barneyboy - 28 June 2013, 18:22
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 28 June 2013, 18:27
RE: Crossbow Advice - by SierraCharlie - 28 June 2013, 19:52
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Barneyboy - 28 June 2013, 20:04
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 28 June 2013, 20:09
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Mortblanc - 29 June 2013, 03:11
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Skean Dhude - 28 June 2013, 23:52
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 29 June 2013, 08:53
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Steve - 29 June 2013, 14:58
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Barneyboy - 29 June 2013, 15:59
RE: Crossbow Advice - by SierraCharlie - 30 June 2013, 13:10
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Barneyboy - 30 June 2013, 13:35
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 29 June 2013, 15:37
RE: Crossbow Advice - by bigpaul - 29 June 2013, 17:06
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Steve - 29 June 2013, 21:15
RE: Crossbow Advice - by NorthernRaider - 1 July 2013, 09:02
RE: Crossbow Advice - by NorthernRaider - 1 July 2013, 18:59
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Barneyboy - 1 July 2013, 19:52
RE: Crossbow Advice - by NorthernRaider - 1 July 2013, 21:00
RE: Crossbow Advice - by Highlander - 1 July 2013, 21:56

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