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What is Money When the System Collapses?
30 June 2013, 16:58,
RE: What is Money When the System Collapses?
Im my opinion, and from info Ive received from very very good sources, the economy is not recovering at all, in fact for the fed res to consider "quantitative easing" as a measure of trying to maintain the dollars power, is basically like giving an alcoholic another beer !this action speaks for itself, its a dire measure. What I am told and from research Ive done very thoroughly I might add, mathematically the u.s.dollar cannot recover. I was told just last week by a professor of economics that he predicts that the dollar will have crashed before Christmas !! Now then due to the fact that nearly every other country in the world keeps its reserves in dollars, and the world trades in dollars, when this happens the world will go into a crisis never seen before by mankind. It will affect everyone.
A good source of info right now is bloomberg tv, I don't have a tv but stream this, and on there most days there are trend analysts, ceo's of central banks etc etc well worth keeping an eye on. Having said that of course there is still a certain amount of spin goes on, yet many many of these analysts predict dire consequences, and thats mainstream. The world banks are all frantically propping up the dollar right now,as well as the aforementioned quantitative easing from the fed.res itself. So when we're told "the economy is doing better that we thought" or similar statements, it is nothing more than giving false hope and warranting governmental extreme measures they are taking on their own people. Heres a quote to think about....
"Through out history, no nation has ever abandoned a sound monetary system. However no nation has ever taken on the F I A T banking system until now, without having its economy completely destroyed. There are no exceptions. The United States will not be exempt from this law of history"

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RE: What is Money When the System Collapses? - by SierraCharlie - 30 June 2013, 16:58

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