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Gulf Stream/colder winters????
3 July 2013, 00:23,
RE: Gulf Stream/colder winters????
Looks like I'm on the wrong site. I don't believe in the Anthropogenic Global Warming that is spouted by the politicians and discredited scientists.

I believe the planet's climate changes at the behest of the sun and we are arrogent in our own capabilities if we think we have done this and can fix it.

The AGW scam has been coming off the wheels for a while now as the dates are passed with no sign of the devastation predicted. All that marks the event is a new dire prediction and, you can't say they have not learned, dates so far in the future we won't see them.

We can't even predict the weather for a few months away, how do we do it for 50 years.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

Messages In This Thread
Gulf Stream/colder winters???? - by Highlander - 2 July 2013, 11:41
RE: Gulf Stream/colder winters???? - by Sunna - 2 July 2013, 12:33
RE: Gulf Stream/colder winters???? - by Tarrel - 2 July 2013, 12:37
RE: Gulf Stream/colder winters???? - by I-K-E - 2 July 2013, 15:38
RE: Gulf Stream/colder winters???? - by Tarrel - 2 July 2013, 19:49
RE: Gulf Stream/colder winters???? - by Tarrel - 2 July 2013, 20:19
RE: Gulf Stream/colder winters???? - by I-K-E - 2 July 2013, 20:38
RE: Gulf Stream/colder winters???? - by Skean Dhude - 3 July 2013, 00:23
RE: Gulf Stream/colder winters???? - by Tarrel - 3 July 2013, 09:48

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