Global Warming `could` be a completely different subject, that why I didn't mention it, I simply related the facts of what the gulf Stream is and the effects it seems to be having on our weather.
It may well all be linked to Global warming either man made or not, that part doesn't really bother me the effects though should be of more concern to us I think
(3 July 2013, 00:56)SierraCharlie Wrote: Just wondering, what kind of predictions time wise are we looking at here, ie. as far as a catastrophic scenario is concerned??
I dont think anyone knows, or not brave enough to say, I dont think it will ever turn into a catastrophic event, all we can do is watch how the winters are, and see if the Gulf Stream does change anything [ it might not ],... in the last few years many of us have seen changes for the worst,.. colder, longer winters
So if we look forward to 10 years time, and try and predict how the winters have progressed, we might come up with something that needs prepping for
A major part of survival is invisibility.