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SHTF First Aid Courses
7 July 2013, 21:06,
SHTF First Aid Courses
It’s been in my mind for a while now that, while I had military first aid training and had to, like every other soldier, pass an annual test on the subject, my last such test was over twenty years ago! So... I guess I could need a bit of a refresher!

Then I thought about what training providers there might be, what level they would teach to and most importantly, would that be sufficient for me to look after me and mine after any ‘event’. The answers came up as a few, basic and no, probably not!

I’m not scoffing at the basic first aid course in fact, everyone should have been on one and if not, why not? Don’t you want to be able to save the life of your partner if the stress of SHTF suddenly resulted in a heart attack? Why wouldn’t you want to know how to stop a family member bleeding to death if they were wood cutting and the axe or saw slipped? Basic first aid will help you do those things and can help prevent an accident becoming a tragedy. Find somewhere soon and sign up!

But as beneficial as that basic knowledge will be, I really want to get back to where I was in those old soldiering days and to learn a bit more on top of that maybe proper wound care, maybe dealing with dislocations and broken bones as well and probably a whole variety of other things.

So of course, while I’m pondering the mysteries of the universe (and the first aid question,) I thought of you guys! Who better to ask? We’re all I suspect, pretty much in the same boat, apart from those fortunate few who have such training already. What I want to ask is this:

What would you want from your ideal SHTF First Aid Course?

(Answers on a postcard please, to... no, answers below will do just fine!)

Grumpy Grandpa


Messages In This Thread
SHTF First Aid Courses - by Grumpy Grandpa - 7 July 2013, 21:06
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Skean Dhude - 7 July 2013, 23:04
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Highlander - 8 July 2013, 08:01
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Sunna - 8 July 2013, 12:49
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Grumpy Grandpa - 8 July 2013, 13:21
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Jonas - 8 July 2013, 17:26
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Grumpy Grandpa - 8 July 2013, 18:39
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Auto - 8 July 2013, 19:49
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Grumpy Grandpa - 8 July 2013, 20:44
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Highlander - 8 July 2013, 21:15
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Grumpy Grandpa - 8 July 2013, 21:58
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Jonas - 9 July 2013, 18:49
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Kenneth Eames - 9 July 2013, 06:28
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Highlander - 9 July 2013, 19:51
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by River Song - 9 July 2013, 22:22
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Grumpy Grandpa - 9 July 2013, 22:41
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by River Song - 11 July 2013, 07:47
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Jonas - 12 July 2013, 02:23
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Skean Dhude - 11 July 2013, 12:04
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Bonnox - 20 August 2013, 12:18
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Bonnox - 21 August 2013, 00:37
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Grumpy Grandpa - 21 August 2013, 01:38
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by MCavity - 5 September 2013, 15:28
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Lanky Yankee - 5 September 2013, 09:55
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Lanky Yankee - 5 September 2013, 14:17
RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - by Grumpy Grandpa - 5 September 2013, 14:59

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