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So what use are the "old folks" when TSHTF?
12 July 2013, 09:35,
RE: So what use are the "old folks" when TSHTF?
Well, once you've survived the initial chaos and disintegration, you have to be able to feed yourselves long term and it'll be no good waiting until your food stocks runs out. We're in our 60's, so maybe zombie bait - or it might be worth you youngsters keeping us alive: can you raise livestock, kill it, skin/ pluck/ gut it, cook it? Grow veg? Make the most unappealing scraps of food into a nutritious and tasty meal? Can you repair your equipment using whatever you can scavenge? Make your own clothes - more importantly, cure the leather for shoes - I'm assuming you won't be able to pop back into the towns for a new pair............ Maybe the smallholders will inherit the earth?
We aren't self-supporting by any means, but if the food supply chain collapses we won't starve or freeze.

Seriously, I know the people on this site are making what preparation they can, but I'd advise everyone to get as much practical experience as they can, the more independently ( off-grid) you can live the more chance you'll have long-term.

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RE: So what use are the "old folks" when TSHTF? - by Susiemb - 12 July 2013, 09:35

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