RE: So what use are the "old folks" when TSHTF?
Yet again we start to go off track.
Older people have a lot of experience living rougher than the namby pamby youth of today. They grew up with no central heating, no ready meals and had to walk to get where they wanted to go.
The youngsters have had everything given to them without them having to work anywhere near as hard. Many have not seen live animals and some don't even know what a cow looks like. They have grown up in a cotton wool society.
Then you have to consider the class we read in the papers every day, stabbing each other and breaking into peoples houses and getting away with it because Plod is too busy nicking people for speeding and littering. They have not been mollycoddled and will do well, to our detriment. Youth and experience of rough living.
Older people will revert back to being the wise ones, the ones consulted before moves are made, and from the sound of us when it is our turn we will be the last that remembers coal fires, family meals and single glazed windows.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin