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Low Information Diet
20 July 2013, 09:15, (This post was last modified: 20 July 2013, 09:16 by Scythe13.)
Low Information Diet
This one will be FUN!!!

For 1 week, turn off the radio, tv, mobile phone and don't buy any newspapers.

Think of it as 1 week of mild 'discomfort' as prepping for life post SHTF.

I'm totally serious about this one. If you won't lose your job as a result of this, then I'd honestly like to recommend giving it a go. That means no games consoles (sorry Beardyman), no CD's, DVD's, not even a cassette player. I don't care if you have batteries, no means no, as in NO TV, or the alike.

Just see how it goes with staying entertained.

It's ONLY 1 week.

This includes, no going to the pub, if it has music or a TV or both. No cinema. Nothing like that.


Post back how it went.

Also, one more thing, no computer, or Kindle. Yes, that's right, no SUK for 1 week. Sorry SD, I'm not causing a coup, I'm just suggesting an experiment for people to try to see how they cope and how well prepared they are for life post SHTF.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

Messages In This Thread
Low Information Diet - by Scythe13 - 20 July 2013, 09:15
RE: Low Information Diet - by bigpaul - 20 July 2013, 09:37
RE: Low Information Diet - by Scythe13 - 20 July 2013, 10:41
RE: Low Information Diet - by bigpaul - 20 July 2013, 11:20
RE: Low Information Diet - by Mortblanc - 20 July 2013, 13:50
RE: Low Information Diet - by Jonas - 20 July 2013, 16:45
RE: Low Information Diet - by bigpaul - 20 July 2013, 16:58
RE: Low Information Diet - by Jonas - 22 July 2013, 18:09
RE: Low Information Diet - by bigpaul - 23 July 2013, 11:28
RE: Low Information Diet - by Skean Dhude - 20 July 2013, 16:59
RE: Low Information Diet - by NorthernRaider - 20 July 2013, 17:10
RE: Low Information Diet - by Barneyboy - 20 July 2013, 17:58
RE: Low Information Diet - by Tartar Horde - 21 July 2013, 15:44
RE: Low Information Diet - by bigpaul - 21 July 2013, 16:17
RE: Low Information Diet - by Tarrel - 21 July 2013, 21:26
RE: Low Information Diet - by Arnie72 - 22 July 2013, 11:24
RE: Low Information Diet - by bigpaul - 22 July 2013, 11:26
RE: Low Information Diet - by Mortblanc - 22 July 2013, 16:37
RE: Low Information Diet - by Bucket - 23 July 2013, 22:37

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