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TS has HTF
29 July 2013, 20:20,
RE: TS has HTF
(29 July 2013, 11:54)bigpaul Wrote: OK, lets imagine for just one moment that TS HAS hit the fan, how and what do you see happening in: 6 HOURS, 6DAYS, 6MONTHS and finally 6YEARS??

OK, the SHTF starts at 3PM on August 1st, 2013:

6 hours - nothing much. People who are aware of what's going on will be filling up their gas tanks, getting some cash from the ATM machines, and maybe buying some canned goods. Then these informed folks will either be bugging out or hunkering down. Most of the population will continue on blissfully unaware.

6 days - (August 7th, 2013) - the people are in a panic. Gasoline is in short supply to completely gone, and the grocery store shelves have been stripped bare with little chance of resupply. Electric power is "iffy". Folks down here in our small town will have their firearms "locked and loaded". It will be "open season - no bag limits" on looters. The federal government is no longer viable, despite speeches to the contrary!

60 days - (October 6th, 2013) - vegetable gardens planted in mid-August will be producing through early November. Hunting parties will be bringing in feral hogs which are common. Wives will be having "canning parties". Everyone will be planning how to ration their food supplies until May when early vegetable crops planted in late February will start to bear.

6 months - (February 1, 2014) - The US federal government is a thing of the past. Texas is now an independent republic again. Neighborhood security patrols will be up and running. News of gangs of "big city" thugs running around stealing and burning will have people on edge, but a small town with most everyone on the same page will be tough nuts to crack. City and county governments will be running in a "stripped down" mode, involved mostly in coordinating efforts to feed and provide for the population. Community gardens will be planned for planting in a month, chicken coops built, some roads into town will be blocked for security and control.

6 years - (August 1, 2019) - Welcome to the "new normal" - the population has decreased due to lack of advanced medical care and pharmaceutical drugs, but a balance has been achieved and in our little town folks are fed, and most everyone has found a niche. The Republic of Texas is now a functioning government. The borders are secured. Oil is being pumped and refined. Agriculture and the cattle business is growing. Some rationing is in effect but it's not a severe burden. The monetary unit is the "Alamo" - 1/4 oz of pure silver.

6 years - alternative - we're all dead.
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!

Messages In This Thread
TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 29 July 2013, 11:54
RE: TS has HTF - by SecretPrepper - 29 July 2013, 12:26
RE: TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 29 July 2013, 13:08
RE: TS has HTF - by TheFalcon - 29 July 2013, 13:17
RE: TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 29 July 2013, 13:21
RE: TS has HTF - by Sunna - 29 July 2013, 13:30
RE: TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 29 July 2013, 14:14
RE: TS has HTF - by The Klampits - 29 July 2013, 14:23
RE: TS has HTF - by Mortblanc - 29 July 2013, 16:05
RE: TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 29 July 2013, 16:40
RE: TS has HTF - by Highlander - 29 July 2013, 19:58
RE: TS has HTF - by Jonas - 29 July 2013, 20:20
RE: TS has HTF - by Scythe13 - 30 July 2013, 16:54
RE: TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 30 July 2013, 17:02
RE: TS has HTF - by Skean Dhude - 30 July 2013, 21:12
RE: TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 31 July 2013, 09:00
RE: TS has HTF - by Steve - 31 July 2013, 14:52
RE: TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 31 July 2013, 14:56
RE: TS has HTF - by Mortblanc - 31 July 2013, 15:30
RE: TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 31 July 2013, 15:38
RE: TS has HTF - by Mortblanc - 31 July 2013, 22:57
RE: TS has HTF - by Jonas - 31 July 2013, 17:40
RE: TS has HTF - by bigpaul - 31 July 2013, 17:44
RE: TS has HTF - by Skean Dhude - 1 August 2013, 11:18

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