RE: TS has HTF
Total financial collapse...okay, let's have some fun shall we?!?!
I'll start at 6 hours, but think adding events at these times will be difficult, so I'll just vector, the way I usually do. Enjoy.
6 Hours....well, considering a financial collapse is a pretty slow process, people will see it coming a mile away, right? Well, some would. Truth is, in 6 hours, unless it's hyper inflation, we'll all be blissfully unaware that the poop has actually hit the fan. It won't be until the government has declared a state of emergency, or something like that, until we will be able to state "TS Has HTF". Because, until then, people will be annoyed about fuel station queues, and lack of fresh produce. When the power outs, there will be double the 'on-duty' police, and add in some military, to 'maintain order'. The fire brigade will be roped in, no doubt. But this will cause huge stresses on them. People will be working 12 hour shifts, 12 on and 12 off.
Now is where things get really interesting, but only if you're into economics. The 'world bank' or EU will be called in to sort something out. More QE or some other CI to the banks or the people? Who knows. It all depends on what the situation really is. Whatever happens, if the UK is declared bankrupt, I believe there would be a resurgence of community. This is an obvious possibility, or more accurately, a probability. Look at Greece, Somalia, or some other place that has had serious financial issues. What about Iceland (not the supermarket)? They were declared bankrupt, but then after 9 months, they were seeing positive growth and have a booming economy! So that could well be the answer to the 6 month to 6 year section. But that all depends on how well people unite, which is seriously underestimated by the pessimist.
Okay, so, let's look at some things that will not stop, regardless of whether we are in a grid-down situation. Solar panels will continue to work. Water will still flow in streams, plants will still grow, the sun will shine, the rain will fall. Kind of stating the obvious, right? Well, yes, and so people with allotments will likely be working together to protect their crops, or they'll be working together to feed each other's families. For the pessimist, they will be killing each other to get food. Truth is, the murder rates in many places is not that high, even at times of economic crash. Mortblanc said that we would be similar to Greece. I hate to disagree. Greece is worse than we are going to be. In an island of 13 million people, where 12 million are in and around Athens, that is a much higher pop density than we have. If you look how things are over there, we will not be that bad. We will be more like Iceland.
Times will be hard, but plants will continue to grow, rain will fall, the sun will shine, and as with most disasters, a resurgence of community will cause areas to strengthen. They will self police, and protect one another.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin